wah. so i was out of town last week and didn't get to post onthe last episode of Sleepy Hollow. Am doing it now quickly before tonight's!
Ok, so continuing biblical problems: which horseman are they running from? Seriously, people. Just go back and read Revelation 6 again and decide what the hell you're doing. Because the Headless Horseman is death, but he's the last horseman to emerge in chapter 6, not the first. *sigh*
However, their definition of sin got really weird. First thing you notice from the Sin Eater's sanctifying scene is that you define what's sin for you. So if another redcoat had gone out and shot Arthur Bernard but didn't feel guilty about it, it wouldn't be sin?
And then, wait, what is Ichabod feeling all guilty about? That he couldn't save the man from getting shot by a demon? But it was totally ok for him to torture the guy? No regret at all about torturing a man for days, but he fails at saving him from a demon and this is what connects him with "sin incarnate"? I don't know if this is just callousness at torture's current position in American society or if the dialogue was handled/cut/edited badly, but it seems really weird to me that Ichabod would be totally ok with torturing a guy but then would flagellate himself over failing to save him in the woods, at night, from a demon.
On the other side, I totally loved that Katrina can contact Abbie as well. And was there a hint that Katrina and Ichabod had a baby? In her vision, Abbie sees this baby carriage (and also note the toy in the bed) and hears a baby crying. But of course it all turns creepy. More to come, hopefully...